Patient Information

Patient Info / Forms

Elder Athlete Physical Therapy in Saint Petersburg, FL is committed to identifying the root cause of your condition and developing a treatment plan to help you return to an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

We can help you get back to doing what you love!

The first appointment: Getting ready

  • No need to arrive early, we will complete your paperwork as we talk.
  • Do wear comfortable clothing that allows access to your problem area and allows for treatment to begin on day one.
  • Do you have any additional questions? Make a list of questions you want to ask during your first meeting.
  • Make sure you bring all of your documentation. You will need a photo ID and a copy of your insurance card, any images or physician guidance you may have.
  • Get ready to discuss your medical history, previous treatments, current medications, and other pertinent information.
  • Make a list of any symptoms or warning signs that the therapist should be aware of. What recently irritated or hurt you? How long have you been dealing with the issue? What things can you not do anymore because of your pain or injury?

Direct Access

Did You Know You Can See a Physical Therapist Without a Referral?

Not everyone knows you can go directly to your physical therapist if you are dealing with pain or an injury. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with an old or new problem. In all 50 states, you can schedule a visit with our therapists to get help sooner than later.

In the medical community, Direct Access is the ability to see a physical therapist when you want to without getting permission from your physician or medical practitioner.

A physical therapist routinely assesses and treats patients without a physician’s recommendation. You can call us directly at Elder Athlete Physical Therapy in Saint Petersburg, FL, and we’ll schedule your appointment today! Direct Access eliminates wasting your time for the appointment to see a doctor, then the delays in getting a referral to physical therapy and waiting for an appointment to see the therapist.

Pricing/Insurance Info

We are an original Medicare participating provider. You will pay only your co-insurance/copay as appropriate and we will submit paperwork on your behalf. Medicare will forward automatically to your secondary payer.

We are out of network for all other insurance plans.

Our Insurance Billing Rate is the same for all insurance carriers and is itemized by CPT code/item.

Patient Testimonial

I was able to get shoulder relief after just my first visit!

I got major relief from shoulder pain after almost a year of incorrect diagnosis and sleepless nights. Dr. Stagg really knows her stuff.

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Anna W.

Patient Information

Marie is an expert in physical therapy!

At 63, I had neck surgery back and front, the last of which continued to cause me neck pain and forward head. Marie Stagg’s expert treatment and prescription of daily exercises has alleviated the pain so much I can walk 5 miles now without being hobbled by neck pain.

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Chip S.

Patient Information

I was able to regain my range of motion after rotator surgery!

Dr Stagg saved me!!! After rotator surgery I fired a local long term PT clinic because I was getting nowhere. After working with her, my range of motion and results…

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Connie L.

Patient Information

I regained strength and flexibility!

I swim and compete as a senior athlete. As I aged, the stress on my joints would have limited my participation, except! Dr. Stagg helped me not just slow the effects of shrink, but to regain strength and flexibility I thought was lost.

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Jerry M.

Patient Information

Refer a Friend

Is it possible for Elder Athlete Physical Therapy in Saint Petersburg, FL to assist someone you know? It can be hard to convince a friend to seek physical therapy, especially if they are resistant. A good first step is to have an honest and open conversation with them about how physical therapy helped you and why you think they may benefit from physical therapy as well. Explain that physical therapy is a safe, non-invasive way to help treat pain, improve movement, and increase strength and flexibility. Let them know that you will be there to help them through their journey and you can celebrate all the things you can do again together!


Can I seek treatment at any physical therapy clinic?

You have the right to choose which physical therapy clinic you want to use for your care, according to the law known as "The Patient's Bill of Rights."

Although many physicians may recommend a physical therapy clinic that they prefer, you are not required to go to that clinic. No medical professional, insurance company, or other entity has the authority to compel you to attend a physical therapy clinic. The decision is entirely yours!

You also do not have to wait for a physician to refer you to the clinic of your choice, thanks to Direct Access laws.

You have legal access to physical therapy services, including evaluations and treatments, with direct access. Every state, the District of Columbia, and the United States Virgin Islands permit evaluation and treatment without a physician referral.

To put it another way, you can select the clinic of your choice!

How long is each appointment going to be?

Although every patient is different, the initial session usually lasts 1 hour to an hour and 15 minutes. After that, each session will vary depending on your condition and progress; most often, it will last 45-60 minutes.

Your unique needs will determine the length of time, which our therapist will discuss with you. In addition, the frequency of your weekly appointments will be determined by you and your physical therapist.

It is common for your therapist to want to see you more often in the early stages of your care to assess your progress and confirm your treatment plan. You'll probably see your therapist two or three times a week initially and then make your appointments more spaced out as you proceed through treatment.

I don’t have any insurance. Can I continue to receive physical therapy?

Our clinic will never turn away a patient!

For patients who do not have insurance, we offer cash-based options that must be paid at the time of service. Please contact our [all-and-town] clinic and ask our front desk about rates and payment options.

What if I do not have insurance?

Our clinic will never turn a patient away for this reason!

If you do not have insurance, that’s okay. For patients who do not have insurance, we offer cash-based options due at the time of service.

Please contact our [all-and-town] clinic to ask about costs and setting up payment plans.