Patient Info / Forms

Elder Athlete Physical Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL is committed to identifying the root cause of your condition and developing a treatment plan to help you return to an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

I can help you get back to doing what you love!

The first appointment: Getting ready

  • No need to arrive early, I will complete your paperwork as we talk.
  • Do wear comfortable clothing that allows access to your problem area and allows for treatment to begin on day one.
  • Do you have any additional questions? Make a list of questions you want to ask during your first meeting.
  • Make sure you bring all of your documentation. You will need a photo ID and a copy of your insurance card, any images or physician guidance you may have.
  • Get ready to discuss your medical history, previous treatments, current medications, and other pertinent information.
  • Make a list of any symptoms or warning signs that the therapist should be aware of. What recently irritated or hurt you? How long have you been dealing with the issue? What things can you not do anymore because of your pain or injury?

What to expect during the first appointment

  • When you walk into our physical therapy clinic, it’s like walking into any other medical office. Here are some things you can expect.
  • You will meet with your therapist and I will review your insurance and any paperwork you’ve brought with you (i.e., referral, X-ray or MRI report, other medical reports) – When using insurance, you will pay for your visit upfront. You will then present your receipt of care to your insurance provider who will then reimburse you based on your deductible and co-pay
  • Following that, you will be evaluated. The therapist conducts a thorough assessment that includes your previous medical history as well as your current pain, illness, or injury. Having an open and honest conversation with us is critical to our ability to assist you. For the best possible solution, I sincerely want to hear and understand your problem(s).
  • Our physical therapist will assess your range of motion, strength, and movement patterns during your appointment. Based on the results of your evaluation, our physical therapist will develop a treatment plan for you. During the first day, you will most likely receive a complete explanation of why you feel the way you do. In addition, you will likely receive some treatments to alleviate any pain. Each subsequent therapy session will build on the initial evaluation to maximize impact. Our goal is to assist you with a rapid recovery while achieving long-term, meaningful results.
  • Your physical therapist will document their findings and treatment plan, which can be provided to any medical expert that you choose.

Our therapist will discuss your goals during your first session. This will be based on sound reasoning and clinical experience and will determine how long and how frequently you should attend your physical therapy sessions.

You will schedule the remainder of your appointments before you leave your initial appointment.

If you have questions, please contact us at any time. I want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible as you return to normal.

Patient Registration

Below on the registration forms you will need to complete on your first appointment. Feel free to start working on those now, as they will need to be completed before you meet your physical therapist.

1Medical History

Medical History

2Informed Consent

Informed Consent



Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life!