

Thinking about a sport/wellness program to help with training or get you back in the game after an injury? I offer a unique, private, judgment-free setting where you can safely and effectively work toward improving your health and wellness. Our physical therapist has a wide variety of expertise that allows us to help clients from all walks of life. Whether you have an old injury that has held you back from exercise, a medical condition that causes you apprehension about making changes to your health, or an athlete looking to gain an edge over your competition – whatever your concern, Elder Athlete Physical Therapy is the place to help get you going again. I will work hand in hand, consulting on your progress, and am available to address your individual needs along the way.

I know health, I know wellness, and I know sports fitness. I know how to improve speed, strength, agility, and balance to make you a faster, stronger, and better athlete. I know how to put a program together that’s safe and effective, and will help you reach your goals with our St. Petersburg, FL sport/wellness program.


Benefits of a Sport/Wellness Program

We all know that we should exercise, so why hire a professional to assist you along the way? Here are some great benefits:

  • Personalized Workout: Trainers create a specific workout plan just for you based on the goals you want to achieve. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all workout routine you’d find in a book or magazine. The personalized plan is tailored to your goals, needs, and allowances for your current physical condition and medical background. He can make accommodations to the program if you have an injury, bad back or knees, or a medical condition.
  • Instruction: A trainer teaches the proper way to perform each exercise movement in your routine. She demonstrates the movement, coaches you through it, and corrects any issues with your posture or technique. Learning how to perform exercises properly reduces your risk of injury and increases the movement’s efficacy. When you can perform a move the right way, it increases the likelihood that you’ll do it on your own at home or at the gym after your training sessions.
  • Motivation and Accountability: Motivation is often difficult to maintain when you exercise on your own. Regular sessions with a personal trainer create accountability, which is a real motivator to not let down yourself or them. But there’s also something to be said for feeding that part of our brain that craves praise. Hearing a trainer celebrate your consistency, progress, or even proper technique can be a real boost when you feel like throwing in the towel.
  • Variety: If your workouts have previously felt complacent, an experienced trainer ensures you won’t be bored anytime soon. They teach a variety of exercise methods, and with some trainers, no two sessions will look the same. Between machines, bodyweight exercises, free weights, and props like balls and straps, there’s no end to the combinations you could be working on. Trainers also help you to make adjustments as your fitness level improves to ensure continued progress; so you won’t plateau or feel stuck in the same old routine.
  • Efficiency: Only have 30 minutes? An experienced personal trainer will make the most of your workout time, which increases the efficiency of your exercise program. This is especially beneficial when you have a limited amount of time to exercise. They’ll know how to optimize every minute you have available in the gym to get the biggest burn for your buck

Ready to start your sport/wellness training program?

Are you a runner? If so, you understand the importance of maintaining proper form and technique while you’re out on a trail, training for a marathon, or simply jogging through the neighborhood. At Elder Athlete Physical Therapy, I want to make sure that you are performing at your optimum levels of function, so you can avoid injury and get the most out of your sport!

Take advantage of a training program catered to you, designed to improve your health by reducing imbalances in the body, and based on speed, strength, agility, and balance training. Elder Athlete Physical Therapy’s training programs allow us to identify, correct, and prevent musculoskeletal imbalances before they produce pain and injury while maximizing your performance gains.

Below are 5 tips to keep in mind when training to improve your running mechanics:


A recent study published in the National Institutes of Health analyzed the effects of cadence on a runner’s likelihood of sustaining an injury. 45 healthy runners were studied to determine how differences in cadence affected loading on the hip and knee joints. Results concluded that a quicker cadence “generally leads a runner to hit midfoot compared to runners with longer strides,” which can cause pain or injury. To improve your cadence, try making your strides longer! This will reduce loading on the hips and knees, preventing injury.

Pelvic Alignment

Much of running is focused on the feet; however, pelvic posture plays a large role in running, as well. You can achieve proper pelvic alignment by doing certain hip position tests, such as vertical compression tests and hip extension tests.

With vertical compression, stand with someone behind you, with their hands on your shoulders. Have them push straight down. If your hips buckle, it means your pelvic alignment is off. This can be corrected with postural improvement, with the help of a physical therapist.

With hip extension, kneel in front of a doorway with your back against the door jamb. Your left leg should be on the floor and your right knee should be bent over your right foot, directly in front of you. While you’re in this position, you should naturally have a small space between your lower back and the wall. Tilt your pelvis backward to remove this space. If this is difficult to do, your pelvic alignment may be off. This can also be corrected with postural improvement, with the help of our St. Petersburg, FL physical therapist.

Base of Support

In another study published in the National Institutes of Health, several running mechanics were analyzed through video assessments, including base of support. This is an important mechanic to evaluate, as foot placement is one of the most integral parts of running. It was noted that, as a general rule, “the left and right feet should not overlap in their ground contact location.” There should always be space between foot placement, as a narrow base of support has been known to cause painful conditions, such as tibial stress fractures and iliotibial band syndrome.

Heel Strike

Do you heel strike while running? Approximately 80% of runners strike the ground with their heels first, while 15% strike the ground with their toes first. The remaining 5% run on the balls of their feet. In this case, the majority has it right – heel striking uses less energy than a forefoot striking or midfoot striking, which can prevent fatigue and unnecessary overexertion injuries. If you have been noticing exhaustion while running, try to ease yourself into heel striking by starting your run on the heels of your feet, rather than your toes. It may help boost your energy and help you perform better!

Vertical Displacement

It is no secret that technique plays a large role in running performance. Vertical displacement refers to how much your center of mass moves up and down while you run. When your vertical displacement is insufficient, it can lead to a premature touchdown of your swing leg or a low center of mass trajectory. However, excessive vertical displacement can also cause runners to expend more energy than necessary. Both of these scenarios can be corrected by changing your stride, which can be accomplished with the help of our St. Petersburg, FL physical therapist.

Our program aims to ensure you have the tools to help you connect exercises to your regular routine so you can resume/keep working out and reduce your risk of future injuries!

Request an appointment today!

At Elder Athlete Physical Therapy, our physical therapist is up-to-date on the most advanced techniques and rehabilitation programs. We understand the most common risk factors and causes of weekend warrior-related injuries, and even more importantly, we know how to resolve any old or new injury.

Request an appointment with our specialists and learn how to achieve actual results!

*Cash only, never reimbursable by insurance.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life!