Physical Therapy and Runner’s Knee

Physical Therapy and Runner’s Knee

Physical Therapy

What is runner’s knee, and how does physical therapy help?

If you’re experiencing pain around the kneecap that won’t go away or worsens with activity, you may have a common condition called runner’s knee. The condition is used to describe pain in and around the kneecap caused by different injuries or overuse. Runner’s knee can take you out of athletics because of pain, discomfort, and lack in functionality.

Fortunately, at Elder Athlete Physical Therapy, our sports therapists know exactly how to treat symptoms and get you back in practice as soon as possible! To set up an appointment, call us today!

What is runner’s knee?

The term “runner’s knee” is frequently used to refer to any of a number of conditions that produce pain at the kneecap (patella). These conditions include chondromalacia patella, patellofemoral misalignment, anterior knee discomfort syndrome, and iliotibial band syndrome.

As the name states, runner’s knee is mostly caused by running, sprinting, and jogging. However, the condition can arise from any activity that consistently stresses the knee joint, such as jumping, cycling, and playing soccer.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with runner’s knee, call us at Elder Athlete Physical Therapy today to make an appointment!

What causes runner’s knee?

Runners knee pain can result from strained tendons, torn cartilage, or irritation of the soft tissues. Additionally, any of the following can aggravate the condition:

  • A kneecap that is too high in the knee joint
  • Weak thigh muscles
  • Tight hamstrings
  • Tight Achilles tendons
  • Poor foot support
  • Walking or running with the feet rolling in while the thigh muscles pull the kneecap outward
  • Excessive training or overuse
  • Injury

How can runner’s knee be prevented?

Stay in shape.

Try to maintain your overall health and conditioning. People in good physical health are less likely to experience runner’s knee.


Before running or engaging in any other activity that puts stress on the knee, consider a five-minute warm-up with some stretches. Your physical therapist can teach you specific exercises to help with flexibility and pain reduction.

Wear proper running shoes.

Wear appropriate fitting shoes with good shock absorption. Some people that don’t have enough natural curvature in their feet will wear shoe inserts to provide an extra layer of support.

Practice good running form.

One of the most important things to remember when running is to maintain exceptional form. Maintain a firm core to prevent excessive tilting, and keep your knees bent. Try to run on a soft, smooth surface.

What are the symptoms of runner’s knee?

The most common symptoms of runner’s knee include:

  • Soreness around the kneecaps.
  • Knee soreness with extended periods of sitting.
  • You might experience, feel, or hear a clicking, rubbing, or grinding sound originating from the kneecap when you bend and straighten your knee.
  • Overall discomfort or pain in the knees.

In some cases, symptoms of runner’s knee can be mistaken for those of other diseases and conditions. If you have been displaying symptoms of runner’s knee, it’s best to consult with your doctor first to make sure all precautions are in place. Once cleared for physical therapy, give us a call at Elder Athlete Physical Therapy to start your recovery!

Treatments & what to expect

Many people who suffer with runner’s knee find that physical therapy is the best treatment option since it tackles the underlying structural problems that influence the knee joint and help to lessen discomfort and increase mobility.

Exercise, manual treatment, and the use of modalities like dry needling or electrical stimulation are used to reduce runner’s knee pain. Exercises that include stretching and strengthening can increase the plasticity of the muscles in the hip, knee, and ankle, relieving strain on the knee and kneecap. Overuse injury patients will typically receive movement and gait training.

Physical therapists also prioritize patient education, in which you will learn lifestyle modifications to prevent runner’s knee from recurring.

During your first appointment at Elder Athlete Physical Therapy, your physical therapist will collect important details about your medical history, current symptoms, and recovery goals to design a treatment plan that best works for you.

Request an appointment today!

If you’ve been struggling with symptoms of runner’s knee or been diagnosed with the condition, our team is here to support and help you achieve a pain-free life!

Call us at Elder Athlete Physical Therapy today to start your road to recovery!


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